Saturday, December 13, 2008

One more week---

Actually, it could be less than we week. We are thinking about leaving a little earlier because of all the snow that has arrived in the upper part of the US. We currently have 4 1/2" of snow and it isn't letting up. (see pic) The snow wasn't supoose to hit until tonight or tomorrow...and the temps are suppose to be in in the mid teens to upper 20s. NICE. When I look outside, it looks like we are already in MT!

We have a little time today to get some stuff together. We have a Christmas party to go to tonight and had the company Christmas Party last night in Portland.

Tyler has been sick, but seems to be getting better. Now Conner is sick. Weren't they the ones that gave it to me and Dan a week ago? ugh...we are just passing this bug around and around. Lets hope everyone is healthy in a week, or it will not be a very fun trip!

1 comment:

The Croy-Young Family said...

Oh my gosh I love the snow picture! You are have some awesome skiing in your future I think. Now go get some antibacterial sop and hand gel so you all can stop passing that bug around. =)