From Big Sky, MT we headed to Billings, MT, my home-town. I showed the boys and Dan my old house and school. We met up with one of my childhood friend, Jenny, and visited with her and her family for awhile. I wish we could have stayed longer. We haven't seen eachother for around 20 years or so. Thank you, Jenny, for having us over! Hopefully we can stop by and see you on our way home!
The picture of the "cliff" actually called The Rims, is to the east of Billings along the Yellowstone River. It is called Sacrafice Cliff. Indians used to ride their horses down this "cliff" into the river.
The second picture is of my house on Lonesome Pine Lane. My family bought the house in 1977 and lived there until 1985 when we sold it to the same people who are currently living there.
The third picture is of me and Jenny...we've known eachother since 4th grade.